Meet. Play. Learn.
Playtime is essential — and fun — for your young child’s development, social growth, and learning curve! CHP Family Services hosts free weekly play and support groups for children under age 5 and their caregivers around Southern Berkshire County, and we welcome all to join us! Find a Playgroup near you!
Why join a Playgroup? to gain Brain Power!
During the first five years of a child’s life, critical brain development happens at a rapid pace. As children play and interact, they build brain power for learning, language, empathy, creativity, and physical coordination.
Quality pre-kindergarten experiences have long-lasting positive impacts, prepare children for school, and help to close the achievement gap. Long term, there’s evidence that early childhood education promotes healthy lifestyles at work and productivity later in life.
Our playgroups programming is open to children of all different abilities!
Playgroups aren’t just good for kids–they are great for caregivers too! In an engaging setting, adults can socialize, talk about parenting, and form friendships.
Our playgroups are free of charge and open to all.
Have questions? Call us! 413.528.0457.
Ages & Stages
Our social worker offers the Ages & Stages developmental screening twice a year to each family and acts as a referral source, as needed, for support services offered by CHP and other area agencies.

“Each playgroup has its own distinct flavor, just like ice cream! Try them all and see which is right for you!”
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All playgroups are funded by the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant awarded to Community Health Programs by the Department of Early Education and Care.