‘Anti-Diet:’ A Virtual Book Talk in the New Year
Usher in 2025 with CHP's Size Inclusive Care team, which hosts a virtual conversation about the book Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating by Christy Harrison. Register in advance HERE and you will receive email on how to join the meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ucuuvpzkqEtzrFD4YI0IXJHCtpemNbyra Many of us are bombarded with diet ads and weight-loss resolutions, including the latest news around GLP-1 medications. Christy Harrison’s Anti-Diet offers a timely and insightful critique of diet culture, backed by extensive research on weight and health. The book explores the detrimental effects of weight cycling, the impact of weight stigma, and why diets rarely lead to lasting change. Join us Wednesday, Jan. 29, 7p.m. (EST) to explore these timely topics, challenge diet culture, and support one another in building a healthier, more compassionate relationship with food and our bodies