Why We Need You

Every donation, regardless of its size, helps CHP to support the health
and well-being of everyone in Berkshire County.
CHP needs you.
COVID-19 is affecting all of us, right here in the Berkshires. CHP staff have been working around the clock to provide health care and services to our community during this unprecedented health crisis.
Our primary goal has been and continues to be this: keep people healthy and out of the hospital. Without our staff, our neighbors would be forced to seek care from the hospital or urgent care settings, putting themselves and the community at risk.
Now, more than ever, we need your financial support.
We have increased efforts as we care for well and sick patients. We need your help. As an organization, our amazing team has stepped up in ways that we could not have imagined, working on the front lines to provide medical care emergency food, and support services.
CHP is incurring new and increasing costs due to activities such as providing drive-up clinics, telemedicine, medical tents, mobilizing our Mobile Health Units, and more. Any amount of financial support is most welcome and needed.
You put the ‘community’ in Community Health Programs.
At Community Health Programs, our door is always open to those in need—regardless of insurance, ability to pay, immigration, or housing status.
Nearly a third of our patients are lower-income and rely on MassHealth or other Medicaid coverage; 25% of our patients receive Medicare, and 6% are uninsured.
Thirty percent of CHP’s patients have income below 200% of the federal poverty level; hundreds are agricultural workers and nearly 1,000 are either homeless or live in public housing.
Over 97% of our Family Services clients live below the federal poverty level while raising children.
CHP provides high-quality health care and support services to these neighbors in need. As the only Federally Qualified Health Center in the county, in 2019 we served 30,000+ individuals through over 100,000 visits.
Through our medical and dental practices, our mobile health unit, and our Family Services programs we strive to reach residents throughout Berkshire County.
What your contribution provides:
- $16 per month for a year ($192) provides a physical exam for an uninsured Berkshire resident.
- $50 provides a hungry family of four with enough emergency food to last three days. (Every dollar invested in feeding children and pregnant women saves three dollars in future medical costs.)
- $212 provides an uninsured adult with a dental exam and x-rays at one of our dental centers.
- $300, or $25 per month for a year, provides 15 families with parent education and peer support opportunities.
Give the gift of health with your donation, and help make a positive impact on the lives of our friends and neighbors!
Thank you!!