Birthing with Barrington OB/GYN: One Mom’s Story

Jun 12, 2023 | Newsletter Piece

As a longtime patient of CHP  Lee Family Practice, Sarah K. of Otis was confident in choosing Barrington OB/GYN (BOG) for her obstetric care when she became pregnant with her first baby.

In particular, she sought out Dr. Jill Samale. With Dr. Samale and the BOG team, Sarah and her husband  Zac partnered up for a detailed but flexible birth plan. “We were all on the same page, but I also felt I could be flexible about decisions that we would make in real-time during the birth,” said Sarah. “All my questions were answered, and the care I received was consistently good.”

CHP's Dr. Jill Samale.When the time came for baby Thomas to make his entry, Sarah headed to Fairview Hospital—he would be Fairview’s first baby of the 2023 new year. “I loved having Dr. Samale in the room with me while I delivered,” Sarah says. “From the start, she let me know that I would deliver this baby when my body was ready and push when I was ready. In a lot of ways, she really let me take the reins. She listened, respected, and included me in the decisions.”

There was one unexpected moment during the birth: Thomas’ shoulder got stuck on the way out.

“Before I knew it, Dr. Samale sprang into action and helped to guide him out. And even in that one moment of worry, my experience went back to a calm one.”

“The care I received from Dr. Samale felt like having a mother figure in the room,” Sarah said. “My birth was a great balance of feeling intimate and as natural as possible, all while having the security of being in a hospital with doctors and support staff.”

Beyond Delivery

New moms and babies are invited to attend our postpartum group for moms and babies! Drop in to meet moms like you.

Facilitated by CHP Barrington OB/GYN and LifeWorks Studio, Tuesdays, from 10-11 AM at the CHP Great Barrington Health Center.

For more information, call 413.528.1470.

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