A Prescription for Good Health

Oct 27, 2023 | News, Newsletter Piece

CHP Partners with local farms to distribute nutritious food.

If nutrition is the doorway to better health, access to healthy food is the first step inside. Our Family Services and Nutrition teams are at the forefront of food security and healthy nutrition. Through CHP’s Food for All program, they have designed a pipeline of fresh food to people who need it the most. And now we have a new means of making an impact.

In partnership with Berkshire Grown and the Mass. Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), CHP operates a mobile farm stand, which travels to CHP practice locations each week loaded with food grown by local farmers. Program Coordinator Ambrose Clausen collects, drives, and distributes food, setting up mini farm stands right in our practice lobbies.

“At first, people were a little shy about taking free food, but now everyone is quite excited about it,” says Ambrose. “If food is a prescription for health, then where better than the medical or dental office to give some good food away?”

Another unique feature of Food for All: the program creates a direct line between state government and Berkshire region farmers, who are paid to grow and set aside food for the program.

“It’s great that the state is supporting farmers in this way as part of a commitment to overall nutrition and food access,” said Mary Feuer, CHP director of WIC and Family Services. “Everyone benefits.”

Ambrose Clausen sets up a mini farm stand outside a CHP practice.
Program Coordinator Ambrose Clausen sets up a mini farm stand outside a CHP practice.

Our community benefits from the bounty of local farms, but often those who need food the most do not enjoy the wholesome food that the Berkshires has to offer.

Your gift puts more nutritious food into the hands of neighbors who struggle with food insecurity.

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